
Friday, 28 January 2022

102. English grammar exercise (sweep) 28-01-2022 QUESTIONS

 sweepsweptswept - zamiatać.

Present Simple Does he sweep the pavement every Saturday? Is the pavement swept every Saturday?
Present Continuous Is he sweeping the pavement right now? Is the pavement being swept right now?
Past Simple Did he sweep the pavement last Saturday? Was the pavement swept last Saturday?
Past Continuous Was he sweeping the pavement last Saturday at 7am? Was the pavement being swept last Saturday at 7am?
Present Perfect Has he ever swept the pavement on Saturday? Has the pavement been swept on Saturday?
Past Perfect Had he swept the pavement before the weather changed? Had the pavement been swept before the weather changed?
Future Simple Will he sweep the pavement next Saturday? Will the pavement swept next Saturday?
Future / Be going to Is he going to sweep the pavement next Saturday? Is the pavement going to be swept next Saturday?
Modal Might he sweep the pavement next Saturday? Might the pavement be swept next Saturday?
Future continuous Will he be sweeping the pavement next Saturday at 7am? Will the pavement being swept next Saturday at 7am?