
Friday, 15 October 2021

25. English grammar exercise (drink) 15-10-2021 NEGATIVE

drinkdrankdrunk - pić.

Present continues.

I'm not drinking coffee at the moment.

You aren't drinking coffee at the moment.

He isn't drinking coffee at the moment.

She isn't drinking coffee at the moment.

It isn't drinking coffee at the moment.

We aren't drinking coffee at the moment.

You aren't drinking coffee at the moment.

They aren't drinking coffee at the moment.

They aren't drinking coffee at the moment. (active voice)
The coffee isn't being drunk. (passive voice)

Present simple.

I don't drink coffee in the evening.

You don't drink coffee in the evening.

He doesn't drink coffee in the evening.

She doesn't drink coffee in the evening.

It doesn't drink coffee in the evening.

We don't drink coffee in the evening.

You don't drink coffee in the evening.

They don't drink coffee in the evening.

It doesn't drink coffee in the evening. (active voice)
The coffee isn't drunk in the evening. (passive voice)

Past simple.

I didn't drink coffee yesterday.

You didn't drink coffee yesterday.

He didn't drink coffee yesterday.

She didn't drink coffee yesterday.

It didn't drink coffee yesterday.

We didn't drink coffee yesterday.

You didn't drink coffee yesterday.

They didn't drink coffee yesterday.

They didn't drink coffee yesterday. (active voice)
The coffee wasn't drunk yesterday. (passive voice)

Future simple.

I won't drink a cup of coffee in one hours' times.

You won't drink a cup of coffee in one hours' times.

He won't drink a cup of coffee in one hours' times.

She won't drink a cup of coffee in one hours' times.

It won't drink a cup of coffee in one hours' time.

We won't drink a cup of coffee in hours' time.

You won't drink a cup of coffee in hours' time.

They won't drink a cup of coffee in hours' time.

You won't drink a cup of coffee in one hours' times. (active voice)
A cup of coffee will not be drunk  in one hours' times. (passive voice)

First conditional
(if + present simple + future simple).

If I don't drink a cup of coffee in the morning I'll be sleepy all day.

Second conditional (If I were)
(if + past simple + would).

If I didn't drink a cup of coffee in the morning I wouldn't focus on my work.

Present perfect.

I haven't drunk a cup of coffee today yet.

You haven't drunk a cup of coffee today yet.

He hasn't drunk a cup of coffee today yet.

She hasn't drunk a cup of coffee today yet.

It hasn't drunk a cup of coffee today yet.

We haven't drunk a cup of coffee today yet.

You haven't drunk a cup of coffee today yet.

They haven't drunk a cup of coffee today yet.

We haven't drunk cups of coffee today. (active voice)
Cups of coffee haven't been drunk today yet. (passive voice)

Past continues
(was/were + present participle +ing).

I wasn't drinking a cup of coffee at 7am yesterday. (active voice)
A cup of coffee wasn't being drunk at 7am yesterday. (passive voice)

Past continues (2)
(past continues + when + past simple)

I wasn't drinking a cup of coffee while she coming back to me.

Past continues (3)
(past continues + while + past continues)

I wasn't drinking a cup of coffee while she comeing back to me.